First aired 31 March 2024

The timeline above gives a detailed look at what happens in the episode. Blue marks the filming locations. Green gives the connecting text between segments. Usually this is taken straight from the subtitles.
Selected sequences
Leopard hunting at night

Unbelievable images of a leopard hunting at night. The leopard is discouraged from trying to hunt the deer because they know of its presence (top left), and might also have good night vision. Jumping into a tree (top right) for more promising prey among the monkeys. They don’t see well in the dark, but have excellent hearing. Hunting for monkeys. Accidentally the leopard gets heard so the cover is broken and she has to get more daring. She manages to isolate one mother and baby (arrows point at the two, bottom right).
A part of the sequence can be seen at BBC’s site.
Hyenas searching for easy prey

A single lioness fights off all the hyenas (27’40)
The hyenas have to make a kill for themselves, like a cape buffalo

An aerial snapshot of cape buffalos (27’56)

The buffalo are not most feasible opponents when they join forces (28’10)

With reinforcements the hyenas manage to bring down the buffalo, drown it (30’25-31’35)