Original air date: 6 December 2015

Above is an timeline of what happens in the programme
Selected sequences:
Different from most programmes, this one starts with an interesting splash !

An enjoyable idea to have the starting titles in this programme ‘washed away’ by the crashing wave (1’33-1’34 into the programme)
Dolphins’ synchronised swimming to drive fish onto the beach

Bottlenose dolphins synchronise their swimming on their right sides to catch fish by forcing them onto the beach. Other animals (in these snapshots, herons) benefit from their effort.
Long tailed macaques hunting for oysters

Long tailed macaque monkeys using tools to extract oysters from their shells (16’06-17’47)
The tide opens up a restaurant for the macaques but to use it takes expertise in extracting oysters. Long tailed macaques hunting for oysters they will extract from their shells. Use rocks of various sizes and shapes to extract them. Is this an example of ‘cumulative culture‘, some behaviour too complex for an individual to master it?
An octopus walking on land

The snapshots show an octopus moving from one rockpool to another looking for prey