Original air date: 12 December 1990

Selected material:
An Indian florican (1′)

He is jumping in tall grass to get noticed by some female that might be flying overhead
Siberian hamster spreading her pheromone around above ground (5’30)

As people may notice this is filmed underground, or more accurately, through a glass pane. From this frame the camera shifted upwards to Attenborough, above ground, explaining what was going on. Pheromone being an indication of what species she is as well as telling possible mates that she is ready.
Fish of the coral reefs (8’20-9’20)

All the fish are of similar shape, approximately rectangular, but their colour patterns are as different as national flags.
Coming up: “The rewards for all these displays, persuasions and entreaties, however, can certainly be great. Yet even coupling may not be the ultimate achievement it might seem to be. An animal may have to do even more than this if it’s to ensure that its genes will pass on to the next generation and so transcend its mortality. That will be the final trial.“