Original air date: 14 April 2024

A timeline of what happens in the episode
Selected sequences
Macaques hate to get wet

But the best food, water lilies, is out of reach in the pond (4’15-4’46). They seem pretty good at swimming when they finally take the plunge (bottom right in sequence above, and snapshot below).

A macaque eating a pod while submerged (5’49)
Orcas attacking a humpback whale

The images show the moments a small pod of orcas attack a calf and lead it away from its mother. Top left, the attacking orca (the lower, right arrow) goes on the attack against the calf that has the left arrow pointing at it. The remaining images were a second apart leading to the orca removing the calf from its mother (33’14-33’17).

Removing the calf from its mother one orca mimics the mother’s behaviour closely enough to convince the calf to follow (top image), leading it away from the real mother until the three of them go on the attack (bottom left), leaving it dead, bottom right (33’45-34’45).
False killer whales sharing food with each other

Some individuals were more successful at hunting than others. Those less fortunate won’t go hungry (39’57-40’30)