Original air dates: 24 November 2024

Above is a timeline of the programme
Selected material
Titan arum (30’15-32’45)

Titan arum tricks animals into thinking it has rotting flesh inside. It takes ten years to get to this stage but only two days to reproduce so it has to do be effective.

The stench of rotting flesh can be seen outside the plant. Particles carrying the odour forming a dense cloud.
A carrion beetle trapped inside the plant (32’45-33’35)

The beetle is stuck inside for the night because the flowers are too slippery for the beetle to climb out. Then they release pollen (top right) that get all over the beetle (bottom). These also make the flowers easier to get a foothold on so the beetle can leave, for the next plant, to fertilise it – job done.
Persian leopards (36’45-39′)

Top image shows a male and bottom shows mother and offspring
Forest in the clouds (39’10-39’25)

Home to over 500 different species of trees and the yellow-legged hornets