02- The Deep

Original air date: 19 September 2001

The outline shows how the programme unfolds
A more detailed outline

Selected sequences

A very close relationship

Finding a mate may be even more difficult than finding food. So fish called anglers have their own ways. Male senses chemicals from female and bites permanently into her belly with special teeth. After a while his body has completely fused to hers. She will have permanent access to sperm while her blood circulates in his body, providing him with all the sustenance he will ever need.

Male anglerfish fused to female

Normally the trip to the twilight zone (and the following light show) would have been a very worthy high point of this programme.

Coral reefs are not supposed to exist in darkness

Coral reefs found at depths of up to 2 thousand metres in Norwegian fjords. There is much less food available so they have to be more efficient. This leads to them having larger polyps than those in shallower waters so they can catch larger prey.

Corals (left) living much deeper than any that had been found earlier and have larger polyps (right)

A whale carcass recycled

The filming of a whale carcass shows how various animal groups and even bacteria co-operate to extract the most out of this gigantic animal.

A whale carcass recycled starting with hagfish (top left). 18 months later only the skeleton is left but even that is absorbed completely with worms and bacteria (bottom right) participating.

Life independent of the rays of the sun

To many people the visit to the ocean floor late in the programme was much more arresting. Some 10 minutes into the programme about the natural world in his 60 years series (broadcast in 2012) Attenborough pointed out that the chimneys mentioned here had been discovered by scientists in such places in 1979 (when Life on Earth premiered). This revolutionised knowledge in biology: life wasn’t so dependent on the rays of the sun. Here at the bottom of the ocean, far from the sun’s rays life was thriving, relying instead on energy from hydrothermal vents. More was actually to come, leading to a programme in a forthcoming series “A perfect planet” in 2021 to start with a statement about about volcanoes being a key to life (not the sun as previously believed). This discovery was first treated in the starting episode (Building of the Earth) of The Living Planet series.

“Towering chimneys pouring out water as hot as molten lead”, left. Some of them were encrusted with tubes and inhabited by polychaete worms new to science, right.

Water at these depths (and pressures) can stay as liquid at temperatures as high as 400°C. Bacterial colonies inside mussels are fed sulfide and play the same role as green plants do in the sun.

An ‘underwater lake’

In the Gulf of Mexico there turned out to be a similar wonder. An underwater lake with its own sandy shore was found at the bottom of the ocean. At its edge there seemed to be a tide-line. Turned out to be a thick soup of salty brine – far heavier than seawater – and the ‘sandy shoreline’ was made up of mussels.

An underwater ‘lake’ of brine with a ‘tideline’ made up of mussels

other episodes

6 – Forest

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5 – Heat

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4 – Cold

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3 – Water

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2 – The new wild

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1 – Dark

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8 – Heroes

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7 – Human

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6 – Extremes

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5 – Forests

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4 – Freshwater

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6 – Cities

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5 – Grasslands

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4 – Deserts

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2 – Mountains

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1 – Islands

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2 – Conquest

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1 – Arrival

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Extra – Meerkats

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5 – Ocean

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4 – Freshwater

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3 – Grasslands

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2 – Woodland

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Series in retrospect

The two series of Dynasties should help people to better understand that, just like us humans, those animals are a group of individuals too each

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4 – Frozen South

Original air date: 2 October 2022 The timeline above gives basic information about the flow of the programme. Grey lines show how it is broken into main

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1 – Frozen Worlds

Original air date: 11 September 2022 Life for the Siberian tiger is so hard it has to risk almost anything to get something to eat. Through computer

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3 – Our Fragile Planet

Original air date: 30 November 2012 This programme is about environmental issues, the story being told through Attenborough’s various series (titles shown in the detailed

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1 – Life on Camera

Original air date: 16 November 2012 This programme is about the advances in camera technology during TV’s first 60 years (Attenborough’s period). The programme ran

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4 – The Door Closes

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2 – The Ice Retreats

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3 – Triumph

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More episodes

01 - The blue planet
03- Open Ocean
04- Frozen Seas
05- Seasonal Seas
06- Coral Seas
07- Tidal Seas
08- Coasts
09- Deep Trouble
10- Making Waves
Series in retrospect